Using the Manual • To move to the next or previous section in the manual, click the left or right arrow buttons in the upper left, or hold Option and press the left or right arrow keys. • To go back to the section you were on immediately before your current section, click the Go Back button (the third button in the upper left). You can also press the “~” (tilde) key, or Escape. • To move to a specific section, click and hold on the Page button and choose the section you want from the pop-up menu. • To find particular text, click the Find button or choose Find from the Edit menu (⌘-F). To find the same text again, Option-click the Find button or choose Find Again (⌘-G) in the Find menu. • To go to the very first page of the manual, Option-click the left arrow button. To go to the very last page of the manual, Option-click the right arrow button. Balloon Help If you are using System 7, you can choose Show Balloons in the upper right Balloon Help menu. This lets you see descriptive balloons for menu items and dialogs.